"With practice, we can learn how to welcome beauty and receive pleasure wholeheartedly" ~ Toko-pa
“Be like the flower” ~ Mamo Zeibin, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
I have the pleasure of sitting with amazing women every day. Over and over, I see how challenging it is for our feminine selves to RECEIVE. Receive pleasure, receive joy, receive our longings and allow them to be fertilized and grow.
In order to birth our fullest, most authentic selves into the world, we must practice the muscle of receptivity. We need to soften the protective layers that keep our life force contracted and an embodied vigilance that keeps us from opening to the beauty that's all around us.
A year ago, I spent time in the magical land of the arhuacos, a native Colombian group. The mamo (medicine man) kept telling me to "be like the flower." I've sat with his words since and am finally understanding what he was pointing to (thank goddess!).
photo credit: KM