Soy Karina Maria Tibble
Karina after a character in a Russian novel my mother fell in love with. María after our lady of love.
Trauma-Informed Psychotherapist,
Devoted Priestess & Mama, Latina
At your service.
Early childhood challenges like living in war-torn Colombia and taking care of a mama struggling with mental illness impacted my sense of safety and belonging. I looked outside of myself for apporval and learned to wear all sorts of masks in desperate attempts to feel accepted and ‘fit in’. Eventually, my highly sensitive body interrupted these exhausting strategies and through a healing crisis, I was initiated into the journey of learning to belong to myself,find peace and trust my medicine.
Along the way, I’ve learned that the most important work we are here to do as women is to to trust our magic, create miracles and lead with devotion.
I don’t claim to be the expert or know “the way” because your process is unique and I wholeheartedly believe that you have a wise inner compass that knows the way. As your guide, my role is to create a container infused with curiosity, presence and nourishing practices (trauma-informed, somatic-based, Earth-inspired and very practical tools) to help you transform limiting beliefs and step into your magic, unapologetically.
From psychotherapist
to mentor and coach
Here are a few reasons why this way of working is far more aligned with my medicine.
In a nutshell, I want to:
Have a more transparent relationship with my clients, less bound by the constraints that are inherently part of the psychotherapist/client relationship.
Bring a more feminine approach to healing (the roots and ways of psychotherapy are male-centric).
Be available for my clients between sessions so that they can feel deeply held and supported throughout their transformation.
Have a predetermined container of time so that clear riverbanks support the journey.
Focus on the present and beautiful future, as opposed to lingering and re-living the past (off course, your past is welcome and we work on healing unresolved trauma and brain rewiring yet the focus is always on the vision we are moving towards. Your true North!).

I look forward to connecting with you
More on Karina María
🍎 After years of longing, I have become the mother of a beauitful daughter. She is by far, my greatest teacher.
✨ I adore Magical Realism and love to lose myself in stories.
💤 I’m a lover of naps and the medicine of rest. I honor my spanish ancestors with a siesta often.
❤️ I feel deeply. My sensitivity is my superpower and I no longer apologize for it.
👑 I see archetypes as sacred helpers. They hold specific medicine that inspires and supports the qualities we are ready to nurture and embody. I honestly don't know where I would be without Mother Mary and Isis.
🌱 The native arhuacos in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta of Colombia have initiated me to an Earth-Based Spirituality that resonates in my bones. I’m so grateful to be an apprentice of their sacred ways.
⭕ Women’s circles are my happy place. In them, I’ve learned to embrace my simultaneous divinity and humanity and have healed deep lineage wounds around lack of trust, competition and scarcity.
🌳 As a little chiquita, my fascination with the Sacred Feminine was fueled by endless hours playing in nature and visiting my grandmother’s tiny chapel dedicated to Mother Mary. These transpersonal spaces have been a deeply nourishing thread throughout my life.
❤️ I love being a student. Teachers like Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, the mamos at the Sierra Nevada and Chameli Ardagh have deeply inspired my path.
✨ I came to Boulder to pursue my master’s at Naropa University after falling in love with their psychotherapy motto: ‘Transform Yourself, Transform the world.’ I transformed so deeply that I never left. :)
🌈 I share my life with a wonderful buddhist cowboy. I manifested him through a whole lot of tears and magick. Definitely worth the wait.
😂I have a good sense of humour and like to use it often. :)
👸🏻Above anything, I absolutely love being a woman. A cycling, ever-transforming creature who is here to make magic with people like you.
💬 Soy colombiana. Hablo español y lo considero el lenguaje de mi alma.
Karina Maria is truly radiant in body, mind, and soul. She lives in devotion to love, compassion, nurturance, and inner mothering. Her apprenticeship to the goddesses are apparent in her embodiment of both gentleness and strength. She is an impeccable holder of sacred space and a seer of wisdom and beauty. Whether you work with Karina Maria one-on-one or in a group, you will no doubt experience a transmission of compassion and radiance through both her presence and her facilitation.
Katie Asmus MA, LPC, BMP
Founder of the Somatic Wildernesss Therapy Institute

Credentials, programs and other experiences
that have shaped and inspired my path:
Being Mother Earth’s daughter. 1984-forever.
Transformational Coach at Transformation Coaching Academy. 2023-present.
Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Colorado. 2014-present.
Participant of the Coaching Way Course. Led by Tarah Mohr, June-July 2021.
Facilitator of Wild Nourishment: a Practical and Mystical Initiation into your Magic. A 6-month deep-dive into aligning your life with your calling within a container of sisterhood and 6 Sacred Feminine archetypes. Virtual and in Boulder, Colorado. 2021.
Facilitator of Women’s Temple, a space to rejuvenate - a monthly gathering space for women to BE and experience the ancient medicine of gathering in circle. Boulder, Colorado. 2017-2023.
Original Voice: firmly fastening oneself to center. A 5-day training with Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Loveland, Colorado. 2019.
Apprentice to indigenous Earth-Based spirituality with the Arhuaco mamos, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. 2019.
Courting Your Medicine - 4 month deep-dive into nature-based ceremony and soul-work in the lineage of Bill Plotkin and the Animus Valley Institute. Led by Sweigh Spilkin and Katie Asmus. 2014 participant. 2018 teaching assistant.
Women’s Temple Facilitator with the Awakening Women Institute- a training for feminine leaders. Nevada City, California. 2017.
Myth, Art and Movement: A 6-week series exploring, embodying and tending to different aspects of the Goddess. Boulder, Colorado. 2015-2018.
Soma and Soul Trauma Training. A trauma-informed, somatic-based course. Boulder Colorado. 2014.
Mindfulness Meditation Instructor from Naropa University. Boulder Colorado, 2013.
Master of Arts, Mindfulness-based Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University, a Buddhist University for contemplative and experiential education in Boulder, CO. 2013.