Wild Woman Thrives. How to connect with her and set yourself FREE
“Friendly….but not tame” ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Your wild woman is the part of you that is FREE. She lives in the rhythmic sway of your hips and is committed to savoring life. Unapologetically sensual, you catch glimpses of her when your body moves in spontaneous ways that feel good. She moves through you when you allow yourself to feel your emotions, fully and deeply. Primal, instinctual and alive, wild woman is a witch. She is a Goddess. She is here to thrive.
Sadly, our tamed, contained “good girl” identities keep her at bay and it takes commitment and conscious practice to feed her, strengthen her and LIVE FROM HER.
More than ever, I am committed to court and allow wild woman to take up space in my life. I wholeheartedly believe that when she leads my way…..I’m the best possible human being. And when I’m thriving….life around me blooms. My partner gets a receptive, loving Karina Maria. My clients get a creative and present counselor, my groups feel juicy, raw and rich. And strangers at the store get a smile and a compassionate “I see you brother/sister”.
The way of the wild woman is exquisite. It allows for rest and rejuvenation, play and connection and above anything, a commitment to listen to intuitive nature.
How do we feed wild woman?
Here are a few ideas....
Alongside women’s temple, one of my favorite ways to connect to Her is through dance. My dear sister Hannah Kinderlerher leads exquisite dance classes and workshops in Boulder. She creates magical containers where the body leads the way and the soul is set free. To learn more about her inspiring work in the world and to check out her classes, click here!
Spend time in nature. Every day. If weather permits, take your shoes off and feel her support feeding you. If you can’t go into nature. Close your eyes and feel your body. Visualize somewhere in nature that you love and take a little vacation there.
Practice giving your wild woman a voice. Put on paper your deepest longings and desires. Court pleasure. Listen to what she has to say through your words.
Self pleasure
Carve out a space to be with yourself. Your body. Relax, lay down. Breathe into your yoni (sacred center in Sanskrit ~ area encompassing your vulva, vagina, ovaries and womb-space). Ask your body, “where is pleasure right now?” Listen and follow her impulses…sensual or sexual and enjoy.
Photo by Essence Sessions with Jewel Afflerbaugh