Indigenous wisdom from my motherland and why PLEASURE is vital
* The mochila is a sacred, womb-shaped bag carried by every arhuaco. Woven solely by women with a particular thought in mind ( i.e. masculine thought, home, higher self), she creates a story that supports and accompanies and protects her husband and children on their everyday life.
I recently spent some time with the arhuacos, a group of indigenous people that live in the sacred mountains of the Sierra Nevada of Colombia.
The arhuacos live in complete devotion to the earth and her rhythms. They track the moon’s cycle and pay close attention to their dreams. They call upon the support of the elements and the mothers and fathers (moon, earth/sun, mountain) and are one with the web of life.
I spent nights by the sacred fire, weaving my own mochila*, listening to their stories and ancient, wise ways. Many stories spoke to the deepest parts of my feminine soul and I look forward to sharing them with you as I continue to integrate this potent, life-altering experience.
I’ll start with Ati Naboba’s story…the lady that loves to create. Powerful and exquisitely beautiful, she follows her body’s pull to be penetrated by pleasure.
Ati Naboba is deeply in tune with her body. A creatrix of beauty, she loves to make love and follows the impulse to do so…unapologetically. She makes love to men, women and other beings, raising her vibration to a state of orgasmic and embodied delight.
Concerned by her untamed ways, the town’s council decides that she must be contained and puts her in jail. Removed from the world and unable to couple, she channels her sexual energy into weaving and out of her hands, fueled by her creative power, the mochila* emerges. Each mochila she weaves has a specific intention chosen by el pensamiento (feminine thought) and tells a particular story.
Ati Naboba gets us directly in touch with one of our feminine superpowers: our ability to birth a deeply fulfilling creative life through entering the PLEASURE portal. She’s connected to her pelvic bowl (womb, vagina, vulva) and allows it to feel good. Also, I love that instead of becoming victim to her circumstances when she’s placed in jail, she uses her superpowers and creates beauty and meaning.
pleasure noun
plea·sure | \ ˈple-zhər
wait upon his pleasure
— William Shakespeare
2: a state of gratification
3: sensual gratification
4: a source of delight or joy
The pleasure portal can be accessed through many routes but the common denominator is your sweet, wise and sovereign BODY. Your throne is your pelvic bone! Think about it. This is the place out of which life originates. Whether it’s a baby, a project or a relationship, you have the power to create something magnificent when you allow the queen of you (because that is what you are…a potent, intuitive sensual queen) to take her seat and guide your life. And pleasure is the portal. Pleasure is not dirty or bad. That’s just an outdated, patriarchal message that you received. It’s not yours. What’s yours is your birthright to feel and be in touch with “down there”.
“When you're able to receive self-love + experience pleasure without thinking it's dirty or wrong, you're able to open yourself up to receive in ALL the ways - physically, emotionally AND spiritually.”
~ Lisa Lister
You can connect to your womb space both sensually and sexually via the 5 senses, visualizations, deep breaths and direct physical touch. I personally love to eat chocolate or a fresh piece of fruit and FEEL how my pelvic bowl buzzes with delight. She loves it.
So set some sweet and nourishing lady time for yourself. Light a candle, play some drum music, breathe into your pelvic bowl and let her know that you want to get to know her better. Eat chocolate, dance, gently caress your body and let her guide you.