On Loving Your Way Back to Wholeness
In a culture that is invested in making us feel constantly unlovable, it’s no surprise that many of us walk around doubting our worth. A low self esteem is usually the product of negative messages that we received at a very young age and that we’ve carried with us since, like a heavy sack of rocks. Whether it was family, school or society in general, the little girl in you convinced herself that she was flawed, never enough and somehow broken.
The way many of us learned to cope with these painful messages was by hiding our imperfections and trying to prove the world that we were “perfect”, like hungry ghosts running around earning medals and trophies and trying bloody hard to look like magazine cover models.
We learned to talk to ourselves with disdain and harshness and learned to reject and mistrust our bodies. The “never enough” bar constantly moving further and further up, leading us to conclude that clearly, we can’t get ir right.
Radically, unapologetically.... YOU
As I write these words my heart aches, my jaw is clenched and my heart is racing. I’m pissed off and oh so sad. Patriarchy (which I like to define as a society in which certain men make the rules and women go along without their power nor their voice being honored) really did us a number here. It convinced us that our inadequacies are real and that we are forever doomed, stuck in this hamster wheel of criticism and never enough (sadly, the media makes millions from this very real wound).
And then I remember to take a deep breathe. I place my hand on my perfectly imperfect belly and soften. HIStory does not have to be HER story, your story..our story. We can learn to rewrite it together and step into our fabulousness together. After all, as on of my dear mentors would say, we all haver an inner pearl that deserves to shine bright.
So this act of learning to love yourself and being unapologetically YOU is radical and goes against 3,000 plus years of HIStory. The word radical comes from the Latin word roots. This work asks that we go back and reconnect with our roots to reclaim a new and simultaneously very old way of being in our bodies and this sweet and fierce Mumma Earth that is our home.
It requires deep commitment and a willingness to embrace discomfort. A willingness to sit in the fire of vulnerability and difficult emotions as we get acquainted and learn to LOVE all of those parts of yourself that you’ve been invested in getting rid of. Yes, I’m talking about the needy, the jealous, the moody, the rude, the scared, the doubtful, the flappy, the “too much”, the “not enough”, the saboteur, the raging and the highly emotional ones of you. And guess what…the more you learn to love all of these parts…the more you will set yourself FREE. Free to be your wildest and most authentic self, free to speak your truth and say your NO’s and sing your YES’s. Your freedom is contagious and will inspire others to dive into their own radical journey of reclaiming their perfectly imperfect wholeness.
And you know what? These imperfections that you spend enormous amounts of energy (and money) criticizing and rejecting are what actually what makes you super duper lovable. I promise you so. It’s time to make peace with all of who you are and set yourself FREE..It’s time to come home to your wholeness sister. Let’s be radical…together :).
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
In love,
Karina Maria
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